Our Virtual Learning Hub

To help our people be the best they can be, Specsavers has set up a Virtual Learning Hub that offers short online workshops and resources, giving our people the tools they need to own their development and support them in building a varied and rewarding career with us. 

The Learning Hub has been available to all Specsavers support office teams throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – whether colleagues have been working full or part-time or on furlough leave.  

Rebecca Wood, L&D Specialist, who has been delivering some of our virtual workshops said: 

 It’s so fantastic to work for a company that really values wellbeing. Delivering virtual workshops over the last few months has been so rewarding, particularly supporting colleagues with their wellbeing during furlough and lockdown, with sessions like Managing Mindset, Mental Health Awareness and Resilient Self. 

‘It’s great to be able to meet new people across the business and I love being able to chat with colleagues and provide a space where people can share stories and ideas with each other. It’s a learning community that we’ve built up and we often see the same faces coming back for more! 

The virtual training sessions have been attended by hundreds of Specsavers colleagues so far, and there are many more sessions running over the coming months.  

Here is what our colleagues have to say about our workshops: 

I wanted to be more adaptable to the ever changing and unpredictable times we find ourselves in. The course was over Zoom, worked really well and was delivered positively. 

I thought that the interactivity and format was a good way of getting people involved. 

‘The way the course was run allowed people lots of opportunity to add their own input and the smaller group size made this less intimidating.’ 

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