Read this story in Danish
*In 2005, Specsavers acquired the successful Danish optical chain Louis Nielsen, led by its founder of the same name. As the brand was so well-known within Denmark, the stores kept operating under the name Louis Nielsen.
“I got something out of just sitting and observing inside the store. I liked the way the staff talked to the customers, and I could sense that this was a position that required some expertise,” says 22-year-old Mathias, who ended up getting the internship at Louis Nielsen Hobro, where he works today.
A team offering personal and professional development
His gut feeling turned out to be true. Joining the team on an internship gave him a great interest in a field that he’d never thought would fascinate him.
“It appeals to me that it’s possible to dive deep into things and go ‘full nerd’ all the way through. That means you can give customers the best possible experience. You’re not just a robot handing jeans over the counter. I like how you can constantly optimise your professionalism. There’s always something new to learn about eye health and spectacles.”
During his internship, he has especially enjoyed Louis Nielsen’s online learning universe. With virtual teaching and presentations several times a week, interns are able to ask questions and learn from the company’s best. In addition to becoming a professional, his time spent with the team at Louis Nielsen has also helped shape him personally, says Mathias. He makes no secret of the fact that he’d like to become a partner at Louis Nielsen one day. He might need more experience, but he has no lack of ambitions.
“I think working here has developed me in many ways. I’ve quickly become a better judge of character because I’ve been pushed directly into facing customers. The rest of the team has had great confidence in me from the beginning. That confidence has whetted my appetite. It makes you want to show that you can do well. But I’ve gotten one work-related ‘handicap’. I can’t stop assessing the spectacles on people I meet on the street,” laughs Mathias.
The community wins
Mathias has played league football for several years, and the pace is also high off the pitch. But just like on the football pitch, he experiences how the store team is equipped with a team spirit and a sense of solidarity that helps lift the challenges that may arise in a busy working environment.
“The pace is fast sometimes. But you must take your time and not let it get to you. Otherwise, it all keels over. Fortunately, we have very close teamwork, and as an employee, you feel like part of a large family. People in the organisation know each other across the board, so we also have some great parties during the year,” says Mathias.
Hobro is a relatively small town, and because Mathias was born and raised here, he also has a large network in town. This means that the team spirit and sense of community he experiences in the store even extends to the customers.
“I know many people here in town, and it makes everyday life fun because we can joke with each other. I can talk to customers about anything, which gives great customer loyalty. People may move to Aarhus or Aalborg, but they still return to Hobro to buy spectacles from us. I think that says something about the atmosphere in the store. It also says something about a high degree of credibility, which is definitely something to be proud of.”
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